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Nebraska Rural Projects Act Application

Opportunity Information

Nebraska Rural Projects Act Application
The Nebraska Rural Projects Act will provide matching funds to Nebraska nonprofit economic development organizations with projects to build new rail access business parks in counties of less than 100,000 people. No more than $50 million dollars of matching funds will be paid in total under this act. No more than $30 million of matching funds will be paid for any one project.
Awarding Agency Name
Nebraska Department of Economic Develpment
Agency Contact Name
Anderson, Jessica
Agency Contact Email
Fund Activity Categories
05 Incentives
2022, Rural Projects
Opportunity Manager
Jessica Anderson
Additional Users

Funding Information

Opportunity Funding
Funding Sources

Award Information

Award Ceiling
Award Type
Matching Requirement
Other Funding Requirement

Submission Information

Submission Open Date
Submission Close Date
Allow Multiple Applications
Other Submission Requirements
Additional information: Please see Program Guidelines for the amount of matching funds you are entitled to receive based on your investment. In this application, "Matching Funds" as defined in LB40 will be referred to as "Grant Funds". "Investment" as defined in LB40 will be referred to as "Cash Match".

Eligibility Information

Additional Eligibility Information
A Nebraska nonprofit economic development corporation with a project to develop a new industrial rail access business park in a Nebraska county with less than 100,000 people.

Additional Information

Additional Information URL
Additional Information URL Description
Resources: General and Program specific user guides and videos can be found at Statewide Relay System: Individuals, who are hearing and/or speech impaired and have a TTY, may contact the Department through the Statewide Relay System by calling (800) 833-7352 (TTY) or (800) 833-0920 (voice). The relay operator should be asked to call DED at (800) 426-6505 or (402) 471-3111.